
"Mohabbat bhi Zindagi ki tarah hoti hai
Har mod asaan nehi hota, har mod pe khushiya nehi milti.
Jab hum zindagi ka saath nehi chhodte toh
Mohabbat ka saath kyun chhode??
Showing posts with label Social. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Social. Show all posts


Era of "Blogging" a Foolishness????


This era belongs to the “jokers”.

The bloggers are really intelligent or they are fools…this question knocked into my mind almost one year ago and it’s still unsolved. 


So, it used to happen in earlier days (12-15 years ago)…जब शहर मे “Circus” आया करता था, आजकल आती है पर Frequency कम चुकी है । तो हम लोग जाते थे Circus  देखने । वंहा तरह तरह के खेल के साथ “Jokers” भी होते थे जो अपने चहरे पे रंग “लेप” के अजीब-ओ-गरीब कपड़े पहनके अजीब अजीब हरकते करके लोगो को हँसाया करते थे । 



एक ब्लॉगर क्या करता है...पहले तो अपनी field of expertise को identify करना पढ़ता है...फिर Topic को Decide करना पढ़ता है हर बार ...फिर presentation style सोचना पढ़ता है...फिर उसे लिखना पढ़ता है...फिर editing करनी पढ़ती है...उसके बाद तैयार होती है एक blogpost…फिर उसके promotion के बारे मे भी जानकारी चाहिए जिसके लिए काफी पढ़ाई और मेहनत लगती है...इतने सारे महनत ,और सोच लगती है सिर्फ एक post के लिए ।


अब आते है उन “Jokers” के मुद्दे पर...वैसे उन्हे “Joker” कहना “Jokers” का अपमान है...क्यूँ की जो जोकेर्स होते है उनके हरकतों मे थोड़ी बहुत Meaning होती है पर हम जिनके बारे मे बात कर रहे है उनके हरकतों मे कोई मीनिंग ही नही होती....तो,यह लोग करते क्या है...चेहरे पे “जोकेर्स” की तरह रंग लेप के ... तरह तरह के dress पहन लेते है ...बस इन्हे इतने ही तैयारी करनी पढ़ती है ,क्यूँ की बाकी सब Ready-made” मिल जाती है...इसके बाद बस बदन हिलाना डुलाना होता है...ऊपर से अगर “पेट”, “कमर” और “”cleavage” दिखाने का मौका है ( Depends on Gender) पोपुलरिटी कदम चूमेगी ....


अब कुछ प्रूफ़्स देखिये....


ये एक जनाब है जो Photography काफी अछे करते है...I m a fan of his photography…



seeing the number of likes hope you have realized that he is a blogger ...from last more than six years.

see the next one...a popular blogger from India from last more than nine years.

and this one...a lady , popular one, in this field from last eight years almost.

there are many more...



now look at these pictures...(account is hardly two years old)

what does she do is..just gives expressions in 30 seconds video with high make up and various dresses and some time showing navel, waist and cleavages...

This picture was captured when she was walking...i am still trying to find out why i should like this....

for just shaking your body(with some revealing dresses) you can get 50k-60k likes means you can reach to more people than a blogger ...then why wasting so much labor and time behind a blogpost !!!!!!!

ok ok i admit that the people who like such body shaking and your figure(daily basis and with disciplined manner ) are definitely the "perverts"...but yet some people are happy to be liked by perverts and joyous to get appreciations from perverts.

personally i and obviously the "bloggers" don't want appreciations from perverts, for me and for them ...what an educated person says matters most.


if we analyze the entire matter with respect to "business" or "brands" opinion is...i would prefer such body shakers more than a blogger  to promote any product...because the followers of these body shakers are perverts, so naturally have poor knowledge and thought process ,any product can be sold easily to them


on the other hands


those who follow the bloggers, have the habit of reading blogposts are definitely the educated they will not buy any product blindly.


My Conversation With Corona


तो हुआ यूं के हमारे मोहल्ले मे दो चार लोगो को हो गई कोरोना । तो मजबूरन उन लोगो को होम Quarantine मे जाना पढ़ा । मेरे मोहल्ले मे एक एंकल है जिनकी एक बेटे को कोरोना ने जकर लिया, बेचारा दुर्गा पुजा की छुट्टी मे आया था घर, घरवालो के साथ वक़्त बिताएगा, घूमेगा-फिरेगा । घूमना-फिरना तो दूर की बात एंकल को ही माना कर दिया गया के मोहल्ले के पूजा मे ना आए, इस आंकल से  काफी पुरानी पहचान है हमारी, बहुत ही खुशमिजाज़ इंसान है । उनकी ऐसी दिक्कत सुनके मुझे बहोत बुरा लगा । 



तो, दो चार दिन पहले की बात है, हम जा रहे थे बाज़ार शाम को, तभी रास्ते मे कोरोना मिल गया, कुछ सवाल थे ज़ेहन मे, बहोत दीनो से मिलना चा रहे थे हम  कोरोना से  , मुलाकात हो गई तो दिल खुशी से डगमगा उठा, आज तो पूछ कर ही रहंगे सोच कर कोरोना को बुलाया हमने ...




कोरोना, आरे वो कोरोना ज़रा सुन तो  

कोरोना  इधर उधर देखने मे Busy था , शायाद कोई नई  शिकार की तलाश मे , मेरी आवाज से थोड़ा गुस्सा आ गया उसे, तो गुस्से से पूछा 


...किया है, किया बात है ?


तो बातचित कुछ इस तरह हुई...


मै : तुझसे  कुछ सवाल करना था 


कोरोना : बोल किया बोलना है 


मै : यह जो तू  किसी को अपना शिकार बनाता है  तो उसके घरवालो को क्यूँ छोड़ देता है  ?


कोरोना : मतलब , क्या कहना चाहता है तू ?



मै : असल मे लोग कहते है तू बड़े हे Infectious है , हवा, छींक, इत्यादी से जल्द ही फैल जाता है , तो Logical बात यही होगी ना के किसी के शरीर मे घूंसे और फिर उनके पूरे परिबार को जकर लिया । 


कोरोना ने गुस्से से पूछा 

...सवाल साफ नही है, तेरे कहने का मतलब किया है ?


मै : तू अगर इतना ही Infectious है तो जब किसी घरके किसि एक सदस्य को अपना शिकार बना रहा है तो बाकीओ को भी अपना शिकार बना , फिर या तो सभीको मार दे या Hospital पहुंचा दे ...पर ऐसा नही है , तू एक घर मे घुसता है , फिर उस घरके बाकीओ को छोड़ के किसी और दूसरे घर मे पहुँच जाता है । कभी सुना नही को तेरी वजह से पूरे एक हज़ार फॅमिली की एक साथ मौत हो गई ।


कोरोना थोड़ा मुस्कुराया और फिर मेरी जान पहचान के कुछ लोगो के नाम बताए, जिसमे 20 से लेकर 60 साल के औरत और आदमी दोनों थे और फिर पूछा 


...बता इन लोगो की खासियात किया है ?


मै : सबके सब Gossip Mongers hai ? 


कोरोना : बिलकुल सही, और ऐसी लोगो की खासियात होती है के पूरे दिन किसी एक या दो लोगो के बारे मे चर्चा करके इनके मन नही भरते, सुबह से दोपहर तक कमसेकम 4-5 लोगो को लेकर चर्चा ज़रूर  करेगा  फिर शाम से लेकर रात तक और 4-5 । तो मै भी हूँ एक gossip monger , देख तुझे सच्चाई बता रहा हूँ , किसी एक घर मे घूँस गया तो एक-दो दिन मे लगभग सारी बाते समझ जाता हूँ , फिर वो घर तो रहा ही साथ मे दूसरे घरमे घुसने की कौशीस , मतलब दूसरे किसी के ज़िंदगी मे ताकझाक करने चला जाता हूँ, वरना मन नही भरता ,ऐसा नही किया तो ज़िंदा ही नही रह पाऊँगा । 


मै : अच्छा तो यह माजरा है , अब समझ मे आया 


कोरोना : बिलकुल, यह माजरा तो है ही साथ मे एक और माजरा भी है ...


मै : वो किया ?


कोरोना : तूने Tiktok and Vigo का  नाम तो सुना ही होगा ?


मै : हाँ, बिलकुल, किसे नही पता इसके बारे मै , तू किया Tiktokers/Vigoers के बारे मे बात करनेवाला है ?


कोरोना : नही , में बात कर रहा हूँ उन सब लोगो की जो Tiktok and Vigo के Videos लगातार देखते आ रहे है यहा  आज भी देखते है ...देख Tiktok and Vigo कहा की Product है ये तुझे भी पता है , तो तुझे किया लगा के उन लोगो ने ऐसी app बिना किसी Research  के बनाया , उन लोगो को पता है के दुनिया मे ऐसे बहुत सारे लोग है जिनकी Mind बहुत ही Restless है, किसी एक चीज़ मे यह लोग ज़्यादा देर तक Focus नही रख पाते, हर 10-15 Second मे इन लोगो को कोई नई चीज़ चाहिए ...सही कहा ना ?


मै : एकदम सही कहा तूने , तो इस से तेरा किया रिश्ता 


कोरोना : जी जनाब , हम भी ऐसे ही Restless Mind के है , ज़्यादा देर तक किसी एक जगह यहा  एक Topic मे मन नही लगता , इसी लिए हर घंटे हर दिन कोई नया Topic ढूंढते रहते है । वैसे जो Gossip Mongers  होते है उनके दिमाग भी ऐसी ही होती है, दिनभर किसी एक इंसान के बारे मे Gossip नही कर सकता, कमसेकम 5-10 लोग के बारे मे चर्चा तो करता ही है । तो ये है मेरी फितरत , अब समझमे आया तुझे ?


तो ,यह थी हमारी बातचीत । इसके बाद हम चले गए बाज़ार और कोरोना अपना शिकार ढूंढता रहा



Using The Name

Whenever it’s about Bengal and poetry the first and foremost name taken by most of the people is Rabindranath Tagore, why Not? He was a great poet indeed, he own Nobel Prize in literature in the year 1913 and widely known as Biswakabi and Kabiguru.

Tagore was great but it does not mean that all other poets are totally useless, let me share some funny activities those can be observed in every era…

There is always a positive impact in society if you are attached with some great or famous personality, specially its very useful for your own publicity, like, any soap company will always prefer the personalities like Shahrukh Khan or Priyanka Chopra than you and me, because it will leave positive impacts on the viewers and will be helpful for their publicity, similarly the name of “Tagore” is used by lots of people who actually don’t have any knowledge about Tagore or Tagore’s writing…
In the bookshelves of some people you will find all the volumes of Gitabitan (a collection of 2232 songs written by Tagore) but the person has never read any of Tagore’s writing, literally I have seen such people.

There is another category, their activities are too much prominent in  a special day, yes, in the birth day of Tagore, that is 25th of Baisakh(Bengali calendar) here and there, like mushrooms, the people celebrates his birthday wearing certain color of dresses (Shantiniketan tradition) , most of them have no connection with his writings, neither they have read his poems, nor the short stories, nor his songs…you know, it’s a good tool to show off your classy taste of mind and good to get publicity using Tagore’s name.

Logically, who loves literature…why he will keep only Tagore’s writings in their bookshelf? 

Logically, who is attached with literature …why he will celebrate only Tagore’s birth day?


What Type Of Curiosity Is This ????

“What type of curiosity is this”…this question knocks into my mind whenever…

Ok, before sharing my views I must inform that this post is not meant to hurt any personal feelings or views of any human being.
I am in the search of the answer of the question based on real life activities…

Let me share with such a real life experience….

It was a Sunday morning around 11Am, I was heading towards the mini market situated in the north side of our colony, accessing the short cut I left the lane of the adjacent colony and availed the main road, covering around 100 meter more distance I was about to enter in the shop just beside the main road then suddenly the people around me started asking and informing each other…”where the accident has taken place?”

“It has happened just now?”

 “Just near the computer centre”,

” the bus has hit the bike from the behind” 

I was listening all these and was busy to make a place in the shop to buy the vegetables; the owner was performing his job but simultaneously asking about the accident also. Some people rushed towards the accident spot; it was hardly one minute walking distance from there.

Actually the accident took place exactly in front of the main entrance of our colony.

So, buying the vegetables I returned back home availing the same previous route.

After returning back home I took a cup of tea and my family members informed me that one of our relatives will visit our house in the evening, that means I had to bring some foods (sweets and snacks) for them, being a lazy human being I preferred to complete the job just after taking the tea to avoid going out in the evening again.
This time I had to visit the nearby main market situated in the south direction and for this I avoided the lane I always avail because if I availed it I had to pass through the accident spot, when I was passing through the small lanes taking turns again and again I found some teenagers were informing each other about the accident and were running towards the accident spot.

Pic Courtesy: Google

Naturally the question knocked into my mind…”what type of curiosity is this?” 

What do they expect to see visiting an accident spot…do they expect a beautiful view, a garden with roses and Tulips or do they expect to see any beautiful sculpture or any beautiful painting or any beautiful girl performing dance in classical/bollywood song?

When any accident takes place naturally there should be some damages, either broken vehicles or injured human being…is not it logical?

What made me more surprised and shocked that just after the five minutes of the accident the people in the 100 meter of radius came to know that the bust has hit a bike where there were a parents and their five year old child and the bus has smashed the head of the child, yet people were running there to see…what?

This is very common to experience that whenever any accident takes place lots of lots of people run towards the accident spot…for what?
Logically, there are two categories of people…

One, who run toward the accident spot with the mentality to help and they have the capability to take immediate action to help the injured ones, they call the ambulance, they provide first aid etc.
The second category consist of those people who actually can do nothing visiting the accident spot, even they don’t visit the place with any such mentality, they visit only out of curiosity….

This second category people have always forced me to raise question about their so called “curiosity”…are they really curious or they are “Sadist”, 

A sadist is a person…who likes to see others in a pain.

May be they are not suffering from sadistic personality disorder but somewhere in their mind, may in sub-conscious mind, there is a sadistic nature…when they run towards the accident spot the sadistic nature forces them to do so and when they see the injured persons their conscious mind become more active and they start to feel sorry for the injured ones.

The height of insanity is…Its about Rupsa(name changed for privacy concern), who came to know about the above mentioned accident after around twenty minutes, after getting the news she ran towards the spot to see the injured ones, she asked the officer present there to remove the cloth from the dead body of that child, the officer suggested her nor to see but she forced the officer the officer to remove the cloth making repeated request…after that for long three days she was unable to sleep and was unable to take food properly.

Now another real life incident I will share …there is no doubt that some people are surely suffering from sadistic personality disorder…

One day, around two years back, my sister received a video in whatsapp…I rushed downstairs when my Mom suddenly started screaming out of fear…when I reached I found my sister was vomiting and feeling very much uneasy and it started to happen all on a sudden…it took around fifteen minutes for her to be normal to some extent, when we asked the reason she did not reply rather became busy to dial a number and then scolded the person very badly.
Actually what happened is…someone sent her the video of the accident that took place two days back in the national highway adjacent to our town…a truck smashed a toto when the toto was crossing the road, a teen aged school girl was returning home after the school in that toto and her body has been brutally smashed by the truck…this video consist of two minutes where it was clearly visible what happened to that girl after the accident.

Thankfully we all knew about this accident so my sister stopped the video just after playing it but yet it affected her a lot.

Now, you can easily understand that the person who made this video was surely suffering from sadistic personality disorder and so also the people who were sharing this brutal video in whatsapp.

P.S. I don’t visit any such accident spot because basically I am very weak heart person and very much sensitive regarding such issues, even if someone cries in front me it become tough for me to stop the water droplets coming out from my eyes.